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May 4, 2021 Online

🎙 Getting into DevOps

Getting into DevOps
Getting into DevOps podcast episode

Happy new month, friends! 👋🏼

I wanted to kick off May with a very special collaboration podcast episode with some inspiring women in the DevOps space.

The fire behind Ladies in DevOps

As I mentioned in my previous blog post, I started the “Ladies in DevOps” community last month. This community was actually first inspired by this exact episode! After speaking to Erleene, Yasmin and Rahmat I realised how there is a shared problem that there is a lack of women in the DevOps space.

Obviously, this isn’t new in the tech world, but compared to other areas of tech, DevOps/Infra/Cloud seem to struggle with a gender balance.

Inspired by our shared feeling of isolation and lack of people that look like us in our teams, I spent a Sunday evening putting together a website, Discord community and asking Clark to help me put together some kind of branding (he’s good at that 🤷🏻‍♀️)

On Monday, Ladies in DevOps was officially born and now we’re 400+ community members!

The tweet that launched the community

I’m so grateful for all the support from Erleene, Yasmin and Rahmat as well as those that have shared across social media! A big shoutout as well to DevX Conf for posting our logo on their conference website and Open Up The Cloud for listing us on their communities page.

It’s been about 3 weeks since we launched and I’ve already felt like it’s become a safe space for people to share experiences and learnings. Favourite community of all time? Maybe. 😉

Join us today!

We’d love to hear what you think about this episode! If you have any feedback or comments, feel free to drop them below 👇🏼 or get in touch with us directly.

I hope that you enjoy the episode!

PN in Greek

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